Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reflections of Yourself!




In my main art piece, I have used baby blue as my background colour and used stained glass filter, set my line drawing face of myself at the far back and enlarged it so that it stands out even though it is behind of other layers, and I used the tornado-like circles that has the umbrellas zoom reproduction I created before, in order to provide unique shapes, texture, pattern, rhythm, and space. Lastly I duplicated my body silhouette and created a linear line, and also filled it with different colours so it has variety to it. Also the one with the black has a texture which stands out more than others. Furthermore, the decreasing sizes of body silhouettes created a depth in this art piece. 

I made these choices in order to satisfy the requirements of this assignment, such as the use of Elements and Principles, and colours. Also I made these choices to make my piece more appealing yet keeping the simplicity. I chose the colour scheme I did, because it seemed more diverse and had variety to it, rather than using similar colours which may looks boring. In my art piece, I think the use of space, balance, texture and variety was successful, because my piece clearly show those Elements and Principles. However, the use of colours and different shapes could be improved, because the colours I used seem a little awkward with the whole piece, and the shapes of the tornado could have been a different shape. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Famous Lines

The qualities and characteristics which I admire most in a person are honesty, leadership, wisdom, perseverance, and dependable. Those characteristics are what I admire the most and dream to achieve.

A famous historical people who I aspire to be like and have all those characteristics I admire are Genghis Khan, Gandhi, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr., Terry Fox, The Wright Brothers, and Galileo Galilei.

Genghis Khanwas the founder, Khan (ruler) and Khagan (emperor) of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After founding the Mongol Empire and being proclaimed "Genghis Khan", he started the Mongol invasions that would ultimately result in the conquest of most of Eurasia. I admire his leadership and the determined characteristic, because he was a such great influential leader where all Mongolian took him as their leader.

Gandhiwas a pre-eminent political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He pioneered satyagraha. This is defined as resistance to tyranny through mass civil resistance- a term which Gandhi used in many of his statements and writings. I admire his characteristic of non-violence and great leadership, because he has influenced the world with his great use of satyagraha, non-violence to resist tyranny.

Einsteinwas a German-born theoretical physicist who discovered the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. For this achievement, Einstein is often regarded as the father of modern physics. I admire Einstein's perseverance, and his confident, because he never gave up even when he failed and had discovered many brilliant theories.

Abraham Lincolnwas the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination. He successfully led the country through a great constitutional, military and moral crisis—the American Civil War—preserving the Union while ending slavery and promoting economic modernization. I admire his leadership and dependable characteristic, because he was such a great leader who led the whole US throughout years of difficult times.

Napoleonwas a military and political leader during the latter stages of the French Revolution. I admire his leadership and his intelligence, because his battle tactics and the way he kept his men in control, influenced me a lot.

Winston Churchillwas a British politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. He is widely regarded as one of the great wartime leaders. I admire his determined character, and his leadership, because he has succeed in protecting UK during WW2.

Martin Luther King Jr.was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement. He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King is often presented as a heroic leader in the history of modern American liberalism. I admire his leadership and his characteristic of dependable, because from his great speech, "I had a dream," it influenced not only US, but the world.

Terry Foxwas a Canadian humanitarian, athlete, and cancer research activist. In 1980, with one leg having been amputated, he embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. I admire his perseverance and his integrity, because he had raise unbelievable amount of money even risking his own health.

The Wright Brotherswere two Americans credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight, on December 17, 1903. In the two years afterward, the brothers developed their flying machine into the first practical fixed-wing aircraft. Although not the first to build and fly experimental aircraft, the Wright brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible. I admire the brothers perseverance, because even if they failed the first air plane, they continuously tried again and end up inventing an aircraft.

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicistmathematicianastronomer and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations, and support for Copernicanism. I admire his perseverance and self-confident, because he had stand up for himself when everyone else said that Sun orbit around the Earth. 

Two famous historical people I chose are Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln:


The pictures I created:


Tuesday, April 12, 2011





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Paper and a Question

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Monday, April 4, 2011


Basic Perspective 
© 2001 Nita Leland
Perspective helps to create the illusion of reality by locating forms in space according to certain conventions. In most painting perspective doesn't have to be precisely correct, as long as it looks right. Your understanding of nature and correct observation make the difference between an awkward drawing and one that is convincing. Here are some tips and basic definitions to get you started:
    Linear perspective
  • horizon line: the artist's eye level
  • station point: where the artist is standing
  • picture plane: imaginary vertical surface through which artist views the scene, parallel to the art support (like looking through a window)
  • cone of vision: limits of vision beyond which distortion occurs (90 degrees--45 degrees to each side of the artist); similar to wide-angle distortion with a camera lens
  • vanishing point: a point at which parallel lines appear to converge.
    Aerial perspective
  • also called atmospheric perspective
  • suggests distance through soft edges, light values, cool color
  • suggests nearness through darker values, warm color, texture, crisp edges
  • utilizes sharper detail in the foreground
    Other means of suggesting distance
  • overlapping objects
  • converging lines
  • diminishing sizes
  • gradation of values and colors
  • light and shadow (also important to showing 3-dimensional form)

Thursday, March 31, 2011







SUMMARY: Nuclear warfare and the theory of nuclear deterrence is unstable, unreliable, and invalid, because "it is only theory," "it requires a commitment to mass murder," "it requires effective communications," "it requires rational decision makers," "it instills a false sense of confidence," "it does not work against an accidental use," "it doesn't work against terrorist organizations," "it encourages nuclear proliferation," "it is not believable," and "its failure would be catastrophic." The author believes that the answer to the risks posed by nuclear deterrence theory is not to shore up an inherently flawed theory, but to take a new path, a path leading to the elimination of all nuclear weapons from the planet. He also believes that if citizens raise their voices, challenge their leaders, and refuse to be docile in the face of the overwhelming threat that nuclear weapons pose to humanity, there won't be nuclear warfare in the future.

MY OPINION: I believe with David Krieger's idea, that nuclear deterrence is a theory with many flaws. I believe that nuclear deterrence are wrong and should be stopped as soon as possible, because making and keeping nuclear weapons in act of self-defence is very incorrect and unintelligent.


SUMMARY: Nuclear weapons are dangerous, fearful and nuclear retaliation could end up in rather catastrophe than stalemate. And also the nuclear terrorism is something to be considered. because in an age of widespread terrorism.

MY OPINION: I agree with this article, because I strongly believe that the aftermath of nuclear war would be catastrophic for everyone. And like this article, I believe that any theories, such as the threat of retaliation, are not effective and believe that it might lead to worse scenarios like nuclear war.


SUMMARY: Nuclear weapons have had a tremendous influence on the world's agonies and obsessions, inspiring desperate rhetoric, extravagant theorizing, and frenetic diplomatic posturing. However, they have had very limited actual impact.

MY OPINION: I disagree with John Mueller's opinion on nuclear weapon's threat, because nuclear weapons are the most destructive device that can wipe out the whole earth and could badly destabilize the life of everyone. Although I agree with the idea that nuclear weapons are a colossal waste of money.